19 Signs Found In Bathrooms That Are So Funny You Might Pee A Little

    There's no turning back now.

    1. The "Maintenance Crew Has Had Enough" sign:

    2. The "Not All Dogs Bark" sign:

    3. The "Potty Positivity" sign:

    4. The "Miscommunication" sign:

    5. The "Preoccupied Potty-Training" sign:

    6. The "Come One Come All" sign:

    7. The "How To Treat A Toilet" sign:

    8. The "Savage Stall Clapback" sign:

    9. The "Democratic Dryer" sign:

    10. The "Penises Spread Germs" sign:

    11. The "Inclusive" sign:

    12. The "Totally Inappropriate Tiles" sign:

    13. The "Donut Debate" sign:

    14. The "Subtle Subliminal" sign:

    15. The "Aggressive Subliminal" sign:

    16. The "We Aim To Please" sign:

    17. The "Equal Opportunity" sign:

    18. The "Redefining Trash" sign:

    19. And lastly, the "Relatable Rules" sign: