Let's Talk About Jim Toth, The Man Reese Witherspoon Is Getting A Divorce From

    Answering the question on everyone's minds.

    Last week, Reese Witherspoon announced she was divorcing Jim Toth after 11 years of marriage.

    There's been a bunch of headlines about the drama, but I'm here to talk about one thing and one thing only.

    Who this man actually is!

    When I think of Reese Witherspoon, I think of her iconic relationship with Ryan Phillippe.

    The two divorced in 2006.

    Then Reese dated Jake G until 2009.

    Also iconic.

    And then she met Jim Toth.

    Noticeably a less iconic, more low-key *thing.*

    Who the heck is Jim Toth, you ask?

    Well, for most of his career, he was an agent at the CAA talent agency.

    But now, judging from his LinkedIn, he's basically a professional board member:

    According to IMDb, he was also in one episode of According to Jim in 2004, where he played "golfer."

    Reese told Elle they met at a party after some drunk idiot was hitting on her.

    "It happened out of the blue. This really drunk guy was hitting on me, making such an idiot of himself, yelling at me. He was like, (slurring, scowling, pointing finger in her face) 'You don't know me.' And I was like, 'Yeah, I know. I don't know you!' Jim came over and said, 'Please excuse my friend. He's just broken up with someone,'" she said.

    Things moved quickly!

    They were first paparazzi'd together in September 2010.

    Their first public *public* appearance was at a Lakers game.

    And by December 2010, they were already engaged.

    By March 2011, they were married.

    Reese thought she would never marry again after Ryan, but Jim assured her: "Jim said, 'I'm gonna show you every day what a good partner is, what a good person is. I'm going to take care of you. I'm gonna do this so much that you're gonna get used to it.'"

    In 2012, they had their one and only son, Tennessee.

    The most infamous moment of their relationship happened in 2013, when Reese and Jim were arrested in Atlanta.

    Jim was pulled over and arrested for DUI, and Reese asked the officer, “Do you know my name?” When he said "no," she said back, “You’re about to find out who I am. You are going to be on national news.”

    Besides that completely embarrassing mishap, the two have kept a low profile.

    In 2018, she told Marie Claire she gets "a lot of support from [her] husband" and that he encourages her to be "outspoken."

    In 2019, Reese was asked by Harper's Bazaar about the key to her successful marriage. "In a true partnership, people need to be appreciated for everything they bring to the table," she said. "I have a husband who supports my dreams and my ideas. He helps me with everything. I’m very lucky."

    Judging from social media, things seemed pretty good!

    In 2021, they celebrated 10 years of marriage.

    There are plenty of pics of them together on her grid.

    And he even got a 2022 Valentine's Day shoutout.

    But alas, things just didn't work out!

    His last appearance on her grid was Jan. 1 in this New Year's post.

    So, that's it!

    TL;DR: Jim Toth is a very powerful celebrity agent turned professional board member who met Reese at a party where some drunk asshole was talking her ear off.

    RIP to them.

    But judging from his reported net worth, I think he'll be just fine.