11 Pics Of Vinny That Will Make You Horny For His Looks And 11 That Will Make You Horny For His Mind

    We love a versatile man.

    FACT: Vinny is the hottest member of the Jersey Shore cast.

    This is an indisputable fact.

    While most human beings age like sour cream, Vinny has aged like a fine- emphasis on the fine - wine. Not only is his physical form gorgeous, but he also has a gorgeous mind. With this BuzzFeed post, which yes, I did get paid to make, I will make you horny for both.


    Horny for his looks:

    Horny for his mind:

    It’s weird that Q comes before RS and T in the alphabet. It seems like it would be further down more

    Horny for his looks:

    Horny for his mind:

    Horny for his looks:

    Horny for his mind:

    Being at a family party and envying the little kids who get to have chicken fingers and fries

    Horny for his looks:

    Horny for his mind:

    I've been dabbing since I was a child except it was called sneezing into my armpit .

    Horny for his looks:

    Horny for his mind:

    Why can't bread and butter be a healthy late night snack

    Horny for his looks:

    Horny for his mind:

    Horny for his looks:

    Horny for his mind:

    Why do people clear out the grocery store at every hint of snowfall?!The snow is on the ground for a day,then it’s plowed , and then you can go buy more fucking food!?How many hot pockets do u need for 24 hours?!

    Horny for his looks:

    Horny for his mind:

    Horny for his looks:

    Horny for his mind:

    Horny for his looks:

    Horny for his mind:

    Happy Thanks giving text right back at ya, person who I haven’t seen or spoken to in three years.

    Horny for his looks:


    Horny for his looks AND mind:

    End of story.