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28 Pictures That Show The Difference Between Trump And Biden Voters After Election Day

As always, there's a clear difference between the two.

Trump voter:

A man holding a voting ends on election day sign

Biden voter:

People holding "count us all" signs

Trump voter:

A man yelling

Biden voter:

A woman with a our communities count sign

Trump voter:

A man with a gun

Biden voter:

A person holding a keep counting sign

Trump voter:

A man in a BBQ, beer, and freedom shirt

Biden voter:

A sign that says count my damn vote

Trump voter:

People protesting and screaming into a mic

Biden voter:

People holding you will not silence us signs

Trump voter:

People holding signs about treason

Biden voter:

A man holding my vote will count

Trump voter:

People holding biden got beat signs

Biden voter:

A person holding a count every vote sign

Trump voter:

A man in a trump face mask

Biden voter:

A person with a count every vote mask

Trump voter:

A woman with a stop the steal sign

Biden voter:

A woman with a leave philly alone sign

Trump vote:

A person with a stop the cheat sign

Biden voter:

A person with a the people have spoken sign

Trump voter:

A person with a gun

Biden voter:

A parade with every vote counts signs

Trump voter:

People yelling

Biden voter:

A keep counting sign

Trump voter:

People yelling

Biden voter:

A count from sesame street sign that says count the vote

Trump voter:

A woman doing a thumbs down

Biden voter:

a person with a sign that says count every vote, holy shit i cant believe i have to actually say this