Sweet Brown: The New Queen Of Instagram

    Move over Rihanna, Sweet Brown has you beat.

    Long ago, last year, Sweet Brown gained worldwide fame for "not having time for that". If you love her as much as I do, then I have good news for you: she's on Instagram, and she is very, very funny.

    Her captions are the best, and you should definitely follow her here.

    For reference:

    1. She either tags things #igotstimeforthat

    2. Or #aintnobodygottimeforthat

    3. She calls her fans "Sweet Brownies"

    This is her and a skull:

    She says "Klawd Have Mercy" a lot:

    This is her and some homeless person on the street:

    Her and Antoine Dodson:

    This a picture of the milk she just drank:

    This is what she thinks of Honey Boo Boo:

    This is is what she thinks about grilling on a toilet:

    This is what she thinks about this woman's derrière:

    She was Super Sweet Brown for Halloween, and she took a picture with some dude with a giant dong:

    This is her being the Statue Of Liberty:

    Here's an instagram of a sippie cup wine glass:

    Her and her dad's ashes. She posts pictures of his ashes a lot.

    Bronchitis pics, obv:

    Don't expect much duck face #aintnobodygottimeforthat

    This is her brother:

    This is just hilarious:


    This is some lady she instagram'd at the gym:

    Her instagrams of food are even funny:

    And here's some dude passed out on a plane:

    Reminder: Follow her here!

    I love you, Sweet Brown!