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    Japanese 7-Elevens Will Make You Believe In Magic Again

    If you've been... you know.

    If you've ever been to Japan then you know that there's basically a 7-Eleven on every corner. We're not talking about your basic-ass American 7-Eleven (no offense). It's Japanese, so it's automatically cool as hell.

    On the outside, a Japanese 7-Eleven looks like every other 7-Eleven you've ever been to — but step inside and it's so much more.

    Let's start with the ice cream. Just look at this selection!

    My personal favorite is this one called "Coolish." It's basically a juice box...but with ice cream. Very cool...ish.

    Look how tiny and cute this little piece of beef jerky is! It's literally the size of a pinky*.

    They also sell individual hard-boiled eggs. And no, these aren't your sketchy hard-boiled eggs you buy at gas stations. That yolk! That beautiful, perfect yolk. I want to swim in its gooey goodness*.

    You can buy liquor there.

    They have beers in a variety of sizes, including teeny and tiny...


    ...alcohol juice boxes...

    ...this drink called Strong which is basically Sparks and will get you super f*cked up...

    ...and last but not least, Zima.

    The non-alcoholic drinks are equally as interesting and new. Pro tip: Mix the Fresca ginger ale with whiskey and you have a fabulous cocktail.

    They sell a shit ton of Pocky, of the skinny and fat variety...

    ...the cutest salt shakers you ever did see...

    ...salad dressings that could pass for dildos...

    ...ketchup in a tube...

    ...and snacks you could only dream existed.

    Avocado chips, people!

    Cheese in a bag, people!

    And this...

    The Cup Noodle selection will make the average gamer/college student shake.

    They sell full-on shrooms.

    And look at this mayonnaise. Even the mayonnaise is cute.

    The prepared food section is a whole other adventure.

    Soba noodles...

    ...packaged meats...

    ...and, obv, chicken nuggets.

    The secret best part of Japanese 7-Eleven is the refrigerator full of little bottles of remedies. There are multiple ones just for hangovers. The one with the arrow pointing to it saved my life.

    They don't sell just food at Japanese 7-Elevens — they also sell clothing and home goods.

    They sell these cool little beard groomers...

    ...a selection of face masks that beauty addicts swear by...

    ...flashy handkerchiefs...

    ...pocket ashtrays...

    ...big ol' bags of shampoo...

    ...Hello Kitty diaries...

    ...adorable boxes of tissues...

    ...and United States of Benetton condoms.

    Last but not least, they have free Wi-Fi!