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Here's What Prince Philip Looked Like When He Was In His Twenties And Not 99

Believe it or not, he was not always 99 years old.

First and foremost, RIP Prince Philip.

Prince Philip riding in a car

Making it to 99 years old is surely an accomplishment.

Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth riding in the back of the car

But for the last year or so, all we've seen of Prince Philip are pictures of him in the back seat of cars. The pictures have been a permanent fixture on my Twitter feed, tbh.

I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want the last thing people see of me to be pictures in the back of a car.

Because, believe it or not, Prince Philip wasn't always 99 years old.

He's in this school picture — can you find him?

There he is.

Prince Philip sitting in the front row

Here he is dressed for a production of Macbeth.

Prince Philip, a thespian? Who knew?!

Prince Philip with his leg on a chair

Here's another picture of Prince Philip at his public school.

Prince Philip standing outside and wearing a sweater, shorts, and knee-high socks

This is him on a boat:

A young Prince Philip smiling on a boat

Playing what appears to be cricket:

Playing cricket a few years after that:

Here he is signing a thing:

Prince Philip sitting at a desk in his military uniform

With his wife, Queen Elizabeth:

Prince Philip riding in a carriage with Elizabeth

Again, a couple picture:

Prince Philip and Elizabeth standing in a grand room

Here he is saluting something:

And as some sort of officer:

Basically, I was just curious what the guy looked like when he wasn't 99 years old.

Because Lord knows if I make it to 99, I'd want to be remembered as I was when I was not 99 in the back of a car.