If These Pictures Of People Don't Make You Smile Then Literally Nothing Will

    You need this if you are human and on earth right now.

    You know how sometimes everything seems like it's going to shit and then something good happens and you're like, "Damn, good things can actually still happen." Yup, this is one of those times.

    On Wednesday, the top court in Taiwan voted that their ban against same-sex marriage was unconstitutional.

    That means Taiwan could be the first Asian country to legalize same-sex marriage!

    Celebrations at LGBT rights rally. "We didn't expect this to happen so quickly," said one demonstrator

    1. That's great and all... but, as always, the pictures are even better.

    2. After the courts ruled the law unconstitutional, crowds erupted in cheers.

    3. Believe me...

    4. ... these people were really fucking happy.

    5. There was crying.

    6. Like, lots of crying.

    7. Where there's crying, there is always hugging.

    8. And some people just kind of sat there taking it all in...

    9. ... while others took selfies. There are always selfies.

    10. The government has two years to make the ruling go into effect...

    11. ... but that didn't stop anyone from celebrating right there and then.

    12. I don't even know what this fox thing is, but it looks pretty dang happy to me.

    13. The party continued into the night when people with cellphones made a rainbow flag thing because this is 2017.

    14. It was raining and still people were, naturally, partying their faces off.

    15. It was, as they say, gay as fuck.

    16. But anyhoo, let's all just look at pictures of happy people because who doesn't like that?

    17. Like this one...

    18. ... and this one:

    19. I feel better already.

    20. So yeah, even though things will inevitably always be shitty, there will always be some good things to balance all that out.

    21. It's called karma and 2017 doesn't have to be so bad after all.

    The end.