28 Photos That Sum Up The Difference Between Twitter In 2006 Vs. Twitter In 2017

    11 years is a long ass time.

    2006: Tweets about Razr phones.

    2017: This person's dad in the frozen food aisle.

    2006: Tweets about Borat.

    2017: This girl using her boyfriend's ball sack as a beauty blender.

    2006: Tweets about Blockbuster.

    2017: A beetle and some spaghetti.

    2006: Tweets about Zunes.

    2017: This kid had a maternity shoot with his pregnant dog.

    My dog is pregnant so we took maternity pictures 😂😂😂

    2006: Tweets about MySpace layouts.

    2017: A drink called the "frappajappajooza."

    i get most of my entertainment by putting different colored gatorade in starbucks cups and telling people it's a fr… https://t.co/MeEJEkzNlB

    2006: Tweets about burning CDs.

    2017: Pet rabbits.

    Please. My rabbit. He's very sick.

    2006: Tweets about shiny pink Razrs.

    2017: This person with a huge Paul Walker tattoo.

    We all deal with grief in different ways

    2006: Tweets about your Netflix queue.

    2017: How was this picture even taken?

    Felt cute in this pic might delete soon tho

    2006: Tweets about not knowing what an iPhone is.

    2017: Speculation that Outback Steakhouse is a satanic cult.

    2006: Tweets about Lance being gay.

    2017: A picture of an old man spoon-feeding his wife in a car.

    Today I saw an elderly man sitting outside of his car spoon feeding his wife ice cream 😭😭

    2006: Tweets about the word "metrosexual."

    2017: This mom's bag kinda looks like a dog.

    my mother was giggling at this and told me to "take a look at that adorable dachshund, he's sleeping", she was look… https://t.co/lmhpm4qOFc

    2006: Tweets about Myspace bulletins.

    2017: This poor girl.

    when I was 16 my parents commissioned my grandad to paint a portrait of me to raise my self esteem. It did not.

    2006: Tweets about Xanga.

    2017: This car got stuck on a rock.

    If the person who drove their car onto a rock leaving #edc this morning wants their car they can come talk to NHP T… https://t.co/Fdz8Ago5qS

    2006: More Tweets about Borat.

    2017: This is a ghost and/or demon with a Snapchat filter on it's head.