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In Japan, There Is A Tradition Where People Dress Up As Something "Extremely Mundane" For Halloween, And Here Are 27 Of My Favorites From This Year

I can't tell you how many times I have been "girl who forgot trash pickup in the airplane by five seconds."

According to Slate, a website called Daily Portal Z started a tradition called "Jimi Halloween" where people dress up as extremely mundane situations.

"This lady who is dressed as the person who says ”the neighbour’s been out for 3 days already” in suspense dramas" so obscure, yet so relatable #地味ハロウィン https://t.co/fiCo0MnGc5

Twitter: @JustAnotherTL

It's been happening since 2014 and has become something I truly look forward to every year. So, here's a roundup of some of my favorite costumes from this year:

1. A person dressed as someone looking for the AirPod they lost in bed:

AirPods付けたまま寝落ちして朝片方無くす人のコスプレ #地味ハロウィン2021

Twitter: @Ninjinbee

2. A person dressed as someone who just dropped their ice cream cone:

アイス落としちゃった人です #DPZ #地味ハロウィン #地味ハロウィン2021

Twitter: @jiugawa2018

3. A person dressed as someone who has to take out the trash in winter:

冬のゴミ出し #地味ハロウィン2021 #地味ハロウィン #DPZ

Twitter: @tomonomotto

4. These people dressed as people completing an Uber Eats transaction:

UberEATS頼む人のコスプレしました! #地味ハロウィン #地味ハロウィン2021

Twitter: @rirari_parx

5. A person dressed as someone who is doing their makeup in the office before going out with coworkers:

20時からの合コンに向けて会社のトイレでメイク直しガチる仕事終わりのOL #地味ハロウィン #地味ハロウィン2021 #DPZ

Twitter: @macaron_pink_me

6. A person dressed as someone trying to find something in their bag:

「大学で物探すフリしてる人」 #地味ハロウィン #DPZ #ハロウィン #地味ハロウィン2021 #halloween2021 #ハッピーハロウィン

Twitter: @etanitti_saga

7. A person dressed as someone proud of their child for riding a bike without training wheels for the first time:

初めてコマなし自転車に乗る子を応援する人。 #地味ハロウィン

Twitter: @aiaipanda1223

8. A person dressed as someone who is an acceptable body temperature for entering a building:

いつだって平熱、ヒカリエに入るのも問題なし。 #地味ハロウィン #DPZ

Twitter: @makeourgardengr

9. A person dressed as someone who hurried home to watch a TV show:

急いで帰ってきたのに観たいTVがやってなかった人 #地味ハロウィン #地味ハロウィン2021

Twitter: @yutoka_beckman

10. A person dressed as someone who forgot they were wearing a mask while drinking a beverage:

マスクしてるの忘れて 飲もうとする人 #地味ハロウィン #地味ハロウィン2021

Twitter: @tuki1momo

11. A person dressed as someone who mistook a plastic bag for a cat:

ビニール袋をネコチャンと見間違える人 #地味ハロウィン #地味ハロウィン2021 #DPZ

Twitter: @komekue1

12. A person dressed as a cashier waiting for someone to put their PIN number in:

クレカの暗証番号の入力を待つ店員 #地味ハロウィン #地味ハロウィン2021 #DPZ

Twitter: @ochagakari

13. A person dressed as someone who accidentally took off their mask while trying to take their glasses off:

マスクを外そうとしたら メガネも取れた人 #地味ハロ #地味ハロウィン #地味ハロウィン2021 #Mハロで地味ハロ

Twitter: @suiru_k

14. A person dressed as a parent who found an overdue letter in their child's backpack:

子どものランドセルから提出期限が過ぎた手紙を見つけてしまった保護者 #地味ハロウィン #地味ハロウィン2021 #DPZ

Twitter: @MTHeal6

15. A person dressed as someone who doesn't stretch their mask out:

マスク伸ばさない人 #地味ハロ #地味ハロウィン #地味ハロウィン2021

Twitter: @MU_no_osada

16. A person dressed as someone asking a cashier to cut the tags off the products they just bought so they can wear them out of the store:

レジで絶対「全部すぐ使うのでタグ切ってください」って言う人 #地味ハロウィン #DPZ #地味ハロウィン2021

Twitter: @iwanttobeJinrui

17. A person dressed as someone on an airplane who missed trash pickup:

「飛行機でゴミ捨てのタイミング失った人」 #地味ハロウィン #地味ハロウィン2021

Twitter: @mochi0219

18. Another person dressed as someone who forgot they had a mask on while drinking coffee:

マスクしているのを忘れてコーヒーを飲んでしまったサラリーマン #地味ハロ #地味ハロウィン #地味ハロウィン2021

Twitter: @hndsgr

19. A person dressed as someone who didn't have a napkin:

ハンカチ忘れた人 #地味ハロウィン2021

Twitter: @suzu2805

20. A person dressed as someone who got a drink for their friend but forgot which one was theirs:

友人の水も一緒におかわりしたが、どっちが自分のコップかわからなくなった人 #地味ハロウィン #地味ハロウィン2021

Twitter: @masakiyuki58

21. A person dressed as a teacher who realized the class was shortened:

今日が短縮授業だったことに気付く先生 #地味ハロウィン #地味ハロウィン2021

Twitter: @CuSO4_3H2O

22. A person dressed as someone who isn't very good at washing their face:

朝の洗顔めちゃ下手な人 #地味ハロウィン #地味ハロウィン2021

Twitter: @shingun_degesu

23. A person dressed as someone being interrupted during their Zoom meeting:

Twitter: @arai_kucam

24. A person dressed as someone waiting for their ice to melt in their water so they can take another drink:

「お水おかわりください」 の一言が言えずに氷が溶けて水になるのを待っている人のコスプレ #地味ハロウィン2021

Twitter: @Platonic_Sword

25. A person dressed as someone who doesn't really know how to use a smartphone:

スマホに不慣れな人 #地味ハロウィン2021

Twitter: @tumayj

26. A person who reserved a conference room for 3 p.m. but someone is still using it, so they have to check and see if they reserved it correctly:

15時から会議室を予約しているのに、前の人がまだ使っていて、自分が部屋を取り忘れたのかと思ってドキドキしている人 #今日の広報部 #あるある #地味ハロウィン #ハロウィン

Twitter: @ssg_pr

27. And last but not least, a person dressed as someone making a turn in Mario Kart:

マリオカートでカーブを曲がる時に自分も傾く人 #地味ハロウィン #地味ハロウィン2021

Twitter: @NendooMAN