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Kim Kardashian Finally Showed Us Her Living Room, And People Are Comparing It To A Scary Isolation Room

It's like the rest of her house: A bit scary and a place where you'd be terrified to spill something.

If you somehow didn't know, Kim Kardashian lives in a house that resembles a completely abandoned museum.

kim and a person in a suit in a place that looks like a abandoned museum

As we've said in the past, it's part "Death Star from Star Wars," has a dash of "morgue," and a sprinkle of "sleep paralysis."

It's absolutely perfect for a cult.

The room is bare except for a white piano and some decorative furry plants

You probably remember when they let Kenny G out of the basement to play among a minefield of single votive roses.

individual roses in individual vases all over the floor as Kenny G plays

How could you forget her iconic Halloween decorations that just consisted of piles of pumpkins?

Black pumpkins piled in a corner

Literally, just piles of pumpkins:

a pile of pumpkins

Her hallways are most likely hiding the nun from the Conjuring movies:

the hallways is absolutely bare and the chandelier is gone

And you see that thing at the end of the hallway? There's def a human head in there.

The bathroom gives me major Saw vibes:

Kim wearing a bikini and angel wings

For years now, I thought this scary room was the living room, but now I've been proven wrong.

Very minimalist table and chairs with a creepy statue in the back

Kim has taken to Instagram to show us her living room, which she says is her favorite room in the house.

Ladies and gentleman, the living room:

As you can see, there is one "portrait" of what appears to be three claw marks left from the spirit that lives at the end of her scary hallway:

The reaction has been expected:

The consensus is that it looks like an isolation room:

Or a "dystopian wellness spa":

Truly an empty space:

Personally, I'm just surprised by the carpet. I was expecting more concrete (and possibly another human head).