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This American Woman Is Exposing Things That Really Piss Off Her Italian Husband And It's Funny Every Single Time

Because it never gets old.

One thing you should know about me is that I'm somewhat obsessed with cross-cultural relationships.

One particular TikTok hole I've fallen into are relationships between Italians and Americans.

A couple weeks ago I came across Carlo and Sarah and their videos where Sarah trolls her Italian boyfriend:

Then Alessio and Jessi came across my page.

Because I love these types of TikToks, I had to do a BuzzFeed post on them.

BUT, before I go any further, in case you didn't know, Italians have VERY strict cultural rules.

You cannot leave the house with wet hair or else you will get sick and die.

You are a disgusting human being if you have a cappuccino after lunch.

And you might as well rot in hell if you break your spaghetti.

Now that you know the basics, let me show you some of their TikToks!

First things first, for anyone in an Italian/American relationship, you only go by one name, and that's "Amore." One time Jessi called Alessio by his name:

And this is how Alessio reacted:

hes mad

When Jessi put olive oil in her pasta water:

Alessio reacted like this:

When Jessi tried to give him ragu in a jar:


PSA: don’t compare Alessio’s ragù to this jar 😅 #italianfood #italian #ragu #italiano

♬ original sound - Jessi Pasini

Alessio reacted like this:

When Jessi tried to give him wine with pizza:

Alessio reacted like this:

When Jessi tried to microwave sauce:

Alessio reacted like this:

And last but not least, all the times she broke the damn pasta:


Someone said break the pasta and add ketchup 🤌 #breakingpasta #italian

♬ Listen To Me Now - nghigiango

Just never, ever, do it.


Reply to @meltre80 not his favorite fettuccine 🤌 #pasta #italian #couples #fypforyou

♬ original sound - Jessi Pasini

Oh, and cutting up your spaghetti is weird too.
