2009 Ariana Grande Vs. 2019 Ariana Grande

    The truth is in the tweets.

    2009: Ariana gives a shoutout to salad staple, cucumber.

    2019: Ariana writes in tiny, weird almost illegible font "u seen it."

    2009: Ariana posts a cover of "ABC" to her Myspace.

    Ok soooo.. my myspace still needs SO much help but at least my cover of ABC is up now. Enjoy http://www.myspace.com/arianagrande :]

    2019: Ariana finishes two albums in six months, an accomplishment.

    two albums in six months huh. that’s deep. love u. talk sooon.

    2009: ah-mazing sights and yummiest lip gloss ever.

    had so much fun today!!! We saw ah-mazing sights, then shopped! I found the yummiest lip gloss ever and awesome accessories! now dinner! :]

    2019: ok.

    2009: Pumpkin pie bubble bath, a deep breath, and praise for the study of knowledge.

    Pumpkin Pie bubble bath.....sighhh... I love Philosophy. :]

    2019: k.

    2009: Ariana is allowed to eat CoCoa Puffs.

    Had CoCoa Puffs for the 1st time in 10 years. My mom never let me have them b/c they used to make me crazy but now I can handle them! Happy!

    2019: There's a piece of confetti on the ground and because technology is scary as fuck, Ariana thought she had a chip installed in her.

    found a piece of confetti on my foot and my genuine, initial reaction was “oh wow, someone must’ve installed this chip in me while i was asleep last night”. happy new year !

    2009: Ariana professes love for the invention, Kindle.

    Does anyone here have a Kindle??? It's one of the most awesome inventions ever! :]

    2019: I'm pretty sure Ariana is going to kick my ass.

    2009: Ariana is taking a biology quiz.

    is in biology class! quiz coming up soon!!! ahhh wish me luck!!! :]

    2019: Ariana feels liberated through emoji use.

    ive never used this many emojis. i feel liberated.

    2009: Ariana has to wake up at 4am to go to LA.

    1. Had an amazing last night home. 2. Is getting up at 4am to go to La!!! 3. Is living in the same building as Liz!! :]

    2019: Ariana wants you to get off her nuts.

    my nuts ....... get off them ? https://t.co/bmxOujVkQW

    2009: Ariana gets spooky.

    is going to sleep after watching Saw 4 with Mamma. Those movies are so brilliant!! Have sweet dreams and no nightmares about Jigsaw! ha! :]

    2019: Ariana gets real about Astrology.

    oooof do cancers have the ability to do anything other than feeeeeeeeel feel feeeeeeeel feel feeeeeel feel

    2009: Ariana dips Italian staple, pizza, into dairy treat, chocolate ice cream.

    You know what makes sense? Dipping your pizza crust in chocolate ice cream. :]

    2019: Ariana uses black hearts.

    2009: Ariana posts lyrics to indie dance classic, "Pokerface."

    "po po po pokerface po po pokerface" :]

    2019: Ariana posts baby picture and a proclamation of wealth.

    yea my receipts be lookin like phone numbas

    In conclusion, I love Ariana Grande and you will never be able to take that way from me.