Does Henry Cavill Have The Nicest Hairy Chest In Hollywood?

    *Plays "As I Lay Me Down" by Sophie B. Hawkins*

    Today we are answering the question: Does Henry Cavill have the best hairy chest in Hollywood.

    The answer is:

    1. Yes.

    2. Still yes.

    3. Definitely yes.

    4. Yes, again.

    5. Absolutely (said in Gia Gunn voice).

    6. Woof (it means yes in dog).

    7. *Gurgles in agreement*

    8. Oui oui! (Yes in French).

    9. Oh Captain, My Captain! Aye aye.

    10. Wig (yes in Stan).

    11. Amen (yes in religion).

    12. Does anyone think global warming is a good thing? I love Lady Gaga. I think she's a really interesting artist.

    13. WTF IS MDNA?!

    14. Another yes from me.

    15. Pip pip cheerio! (That means yes in British).

    16. Yes, now kill me, shrink me, and bury me in those fury tits for all of eternity. Yes, God. Yes. God.