99% Of The World Got Engaged And/Or Pregnant Last Week

    There must be something in the water but it surely isn't coming out my faucet.

    This post is for the approximately seven of you in the entire world who DID NOT get engaged or pregnant this past week.

    Welcome. This is a safe zone. A zone with ZERO "announcements" or "personal news" or awkward blob-like pictures of ultrasounds (no offense).

    Rogue and random engagements are everywhere this holiday season.

    Everyone and I mean EVERYONE got engaged over break. I don’t even have a boyfriend but yet I feel like I too am engaged that’s how many people got engaged.


    All feeds are clogged with "I'm pregnant!" or "We're engaged!" and I'm just like *Jennifer Lopez voice* ENOUGH.

    We're here. (Some of us) are queer. And we're single.


    It's just strange that like the entire world is now engaged.

    Why did everyone on my Facebook get engaged yesterday lmao

    And while it can send a very large percentage of us into a deep never-ending spiral of resentment, hate, depression, and also anxiety.

    It's important to just, like, mute everyone.


    I’m so happy for everyone who got engaged this week, but to my future husband, please do not propose to me on a holiday. Thanks in advance 🥰

    In 2019, it's all about the ho and glow baby. Ho and glow.

    Relationships and babies are overrated.

    The end.