For Everyone Who Is Obsessed With Daryl's Arms

    They're back.

    Last night's episode of The Walking Dead was important for a lot of reasons. Yeah, we didn't find out what happened to Glenn, everyone is still all over the goddamn place, and we still HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IS EVEN GOING ON...


    ...the one thing that did come back was a thing we haven't seen in seemingly forever.

    Daryl's beautifully shaped, crafted by a crossbow, biceps.

    His biceps have been missing recently because he was wearing a stupid jacket.

    Luckily, that jacket finally came off...

    ...and those sweet, sweet (metaphorical) guns came out.

    So yeah, Daryl's arms totally stole the episode and distracted everyone from the situation at hand.

    Getting to see Daryl's arms is always a plus even if they are covered in blood 😍💪🏼

    Sorry unimportant characters I'm too distracted by Daryl's arms to pay attention to whatever you're saying #TheWalkingDead

    Nice try AMC. Daryl's arms were a good distraction in last night's episode but I still wanna know where my son Glenn is #TWD

    So, we'll give you a pass this week, Walking Dead.

    Daryl's biceps have satiated our thirst.


    *This post is dedicated in loving memory of Daryl's crossbow*

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