21 Pictures That Show Why Brazil Is The Best Country

    The Olympics have taught me a lot about Brazil.

    Brazil has a long history of yelling at people to come to it.

    Its personally been following me around the internet for a while now...

    ... but I've finally figured out why I need to come there.

    1. I need to come to Brazil because people help each other there.

    2. They're really good at taking pictures there.

    3. And people will make you feel better EVEN when you're feeling down there.

    4. I need to come to Brazil because they wear really cool bathing suits there.

    5. They aren't afraid to give you a thumbs up there.

    6. And they do this really cool clenched fist thing there.

    7. I have no idea what he's saying in this video... but I think people sound like this in Brazil, and it sounds really nice... so I need to go there.

    8. They hang out with their friends there.

    9. They will give you a hug even if you are sweaty there.

    10. And they always have this really friendly, special smile on their face there.

    11. I need to come to Brazil because the color green is one of my favorites.

    12. They can swim there.

    13. And they do this awesome thing where they lift both their arms and scream there.

    14. I need to come to Brazil because people stand on their heads there and I think that's impressive.

    15. People are good at throwing balls there.

    16. And they can even jump like this there.

    17. To sum this all up, I need to come to Brazil because it looks like a nice place.

    18. A really lovely place.

    19. A place worth coming to.

    20. A place that would rock my world.

    21. Brazil, I am ready for you to destroy me.

    Cya soon!