19 People Who Definitely Say "Well, Actually" Way Too Much


    1. This dude playing life on difficultly level EXPERT:

    2. This real-life scientist:

    3. Steve, who's too slick for psych professors:

    4. This human TI-83:

    5. This person who understood Arrival better than everyone else in the world:

    6. This guy who is a better playwright than Shakespeare:

    7. This guy:

    8. This genius:

    9. This very sophisticated guy:

    10. This dude who doesn't associate with inferior people:

    11. This dude who ain't taking the moral high road:

    12. This person who terrifies everyone with his brain:

    13. This person who I guess doesn't like Ludacris:

    14. This person who listens to music on headphones at a music festival:

    15. This person who is concerned about our country's education system:

    16. This human thesaurus:

    17. This champion of the people:

    18. This epic broski:

    19. And the worst Airbnb host of all time:

    Wanna see more people who will undoubtedly drive you crazy? Check out /r/iamverysmart.