27 Simple, Good Things That'll Make You Smile

    Not everything is bad.

    1. This loyal pooch:

    2. This police citation:

    3. This new friendship:

    4. This tricky grandpa:

    5. This mailman:

    6. Mr. Freakin' Rodgers:

    7. This sidekick:

    8. This pupper's undying love:

    9. This cute survivor:

    10. This genius pup:

    11. This smiley little guy:

    12. This heartwarming story:

    13. This thoughtful husband:


    15. This amazing gift:

    16. This true love:

    17. This sleepy soldier:

    18. This happy family:

    19. This perfect reveal:

    20. John Cena:

    21. This avid reader:

    22. Nick Offerman:

    23. These two pals:

    24. Puppies and cheetahs:

    25. Hira and her dad:

    26. This swordsman:

    27. And this classic photobomber: