23 Times Reality Was Quite Different From Expectations


    1. This simple restaurant order:

    2. These ski boots:

    3. This "magic" mug:

    4. This trip to the groomer:

    5. This dope car effect:

    6. This unique pillow case:

    7. This Joey:

    8. This realistic mask:

    9. Every time you take a picture of the moon:

    10. This Cinderella moisturizing face mask:

    11. This pancake maker:

    12. This carpet:

    13. This pepperoni-covered pizza:

    14. This crochet top:

    15. This Hanes — I mean "Champion" — sweatshirt:

    16. This "big" and "bold" brisket sandwich:

    17. This meat-stacked sandwich:

    18. This not-as-tough-as-advertised bandage:

    19. Every single section:

    20. This chocolate Santa:

    21. This beautiful view:

    22. This tasty treat:

    23. And Bob Ross: