18 Things You'll Only Get If You Have Small Boobs

    Dropping food down your cleavage us no problem because it just goes straight through!

    1. Your dresses fit perfectly everywhere... except your chest.

    2. You've tried all the different kinds of padded bras out there.

    3. Swimsuit and underwear shopping is slightly more complicated.

    4. But at least the clothes in the girls department still fit!

    5. Going strapless is a challenge.

    6. Busty girls always tell you how lucky you are.

    7. You grew up being told to just wait and be patient.

    8. Bralettes have changed your life.

    9. When you lie on your back, your boobs disappear entirely.

    10. But, at the same time, you can lie face down with no problems at all.

    11. If you drop food down your cleavage, you can't recover it quickly because it drops straight to your tummy.

    12. When you try to lose weight, your boobs are the first thing to go.

    13. You know all the techniques for making them look bigger.

    14. When you wear a sports bra, they hide from you.

    15. You constantly wonder why you ended up the way you did even though your mom has big boobs.

    16. You never have to worry about boob sweat.

    17. Or back pain.

    18. And after all, you know that you look incredible, even without any cleavage.

    This post was translated from Spanish.