17 People Who Shouldn't Be Allowed Near Food Anymore

    Why do you insist on ruining everything I love?!

    1. Are you serious with this atrocity?

    2. Like, yeah... you peel bananas but you've gone TOO FAR.

    3. Ugh. It gets worse each time I see it.

    4. LISTEN, CAN WE JUST LEAVE BANANAS ALONE?! What did they do to you?

    5. It's a universal rule that you don't take a piece of cake from the middle. It's just not done.

    6. Okay, now you're just being difficult.

    7. What HAPPENED here?! This is a massacre.

    8. Stop it! You can mess with any other food, but you leave pizza out of this.

    9. NO! No more pizza stuff and absolutely no more bananas.

    10. I have a note for you here: You COMPLETELY mixed up the order.


    12. This is one of the most humiliating things that has ever happened to a bar of chocolate.

    13. This is just cruel and unusual.

    14. My beloved burger. You don't deserve this type of treatment.

    15. This is perverted.

    16. I get it, you don't like the crusts, but your crust boundary is WAY too shallow. It's gross.

    17. Ugh. This is a trainwreck. After everything we've done, we don't deserve to eat food anymore.

    This post was translated from Spanish.