27 Moments All "Grey's Anatomy" Fans Will Never Forgive Shonda Rhimes For

    *Puts on "Chasing Cars" and weeps*.

    1. When a plane crash came out of nowhere, killing Lexie...

    2. ...and then Mark.

    3. When Callie almost died...

    4. ...and then someone *cough* Shonda *cough* thought it would be a good idea to do a whole musical episode.

    5. When two patients were impaled on a pole and only one could survive.

    6. When a shooter let loose and killed off half the supporting cast.

    7. When Yang left.

    8. When Jen Harmon's death devastated Derek, sending him on an emotional breakdown.

    9. When Dylan exploded all over the hospital.

    10. When Arizona cheated on Callie...

    11. ...and then Calzona broke up and true love was no more.

    12. When everything Ellis ever did led to Meredith being the way she is.

    13. When Mer realised it was George who was hit by a bus.

    14. When we all grew to love Mary Portman and then, you guessed it, she died too.

    15. When Mer had to put Doc down.

    16. When Richard's wife died during Bailey's wedding and it was all too much.

    17. When Mer's stepmother died after a case of hiccups.

    18. When Izzie cut that fucking LVAD wire.

    19. And then Denny's eventual death.

    20. When Alex failed his boards.

    21. When Cristina lost her baby.

    22. And when Burke pulled a runner on Cristina.

    23. When April and Jackson lost their baby.

    24. And then their relationship went on a downward spiral.

    25. When Henry died and Teddy just sat there devastated.

    26. When Amelia got screwed over again and again.

    27. And when Derek...goddamn Derek.

    Pretty much.