19 People Who Are Not Coping With Adelaide And Melbourne’s Heatwave

    *All of southern Australia melts off the map*.

    Adelaide and Melbourne have been hit with their first heatwave of the season and people are losing their minds.

    That's a maximum of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit in Melbourne and 107.6 degrees in Adelaide.

    1. Some couldn't understand the logic of it all.

    why do Melbourne and Adelaide have hot as fuck weather when we are closer to Antarctica :)))))))))))))))

    2. While others let the heat go to their head. Literally.

    Day 1 of Melbourne Heatwave. The struggle is very real

    3. Some just got real icky.

    Its so hot in Melbourne right now that i could literally collect all the sweat into a jug and poor myself a glass of water.

    4. While others knew the sacrifices they had to make.

    This heatwave in Melbourne is a nightmare because it means you have to drink so much more wine to stay hydrated.

    5. And then there were those who attempted to make the most of it.

    6. Of course, the human inhabitants weren't the only ones to feel the heat.

    7. And households were torn apart.

    8. Some took it upon themselves to fix the situation at hand.

    9. And although Melbourne temperatures ~seemed~ bad, Adelaide really took it to the next level.

    No one does brutal summer heat quite like #Adelaide.

    10. They knew the struggle was real.

    Me, driving around #Adelaide in 42C heat in an un-air conditioned car.

    11. There were those who started to see things.

    12. Some knew the real battlers of the heat.

    Spare a thought for all of those air conditioners working in this heat. #Adelaide #AdelaideHeatwave

    13. While others summed up how everyone was feeling.

    When you step outside from an air-conditioned building during a #heatwave in #Adelaide & the heat hits you like:

    14. Even the local wildlife needed some respite.

    #Adelaide its hot look after yourselves and your pets, here's Maggie having a drink in my garden

    15. Some desperately needed the important questions answered.

    Can I wear shorts to work? #Adelaide #heatwave

    16. While others turned to religion for their answers.

    This sums up Adelaide perfectly right now. 41C Wed, 42C Thurs, 42C today & 43C tomorrow! #heatwave

    17. Some seemed to have given up hope altogether...

    Adelaide Heatwave Day 5: Is it just going to be hot forever now?

    18. ...while others commandeered the only known source of relief.

    19. And everyone else could only take photos of their thermometers.

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