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14 People Whose New Year's Eve Just Really Fucking Sucked

"Should old acquaintance be super drunk..."

1. This guy whose kiss at midnight wasn't nearly as romantic as he'd hoped.

2. This girl who lost some of her hair in a Roman Candle accident.

3. And this guy who probably lost a whole lot more.

4. This guy who planned to play the New Year's Eve broadcast on this jumbo screen for his guests, but, uh...

@timewarnertv Same crap service in 2016. Thanks TWC for ruining the New years eve party. #NewYearsEveFail #twcsucks

5. And this woman who got stuck in an elevator! At 11:50 p.m.! With nine drunk people!

6. This girl who probably pre-partied a little too hard.

7. And this guy who was really interested in looking into this waste basket for some reason.

8. This guy who got a little confused (I'm sure no alcohol was involved whatsoever).

Walked into the same janitors closet twice thinking it was an elevator #NewYearsEveFail

9. This girl who didn't know you can't put champagne in the freezer.

Did you know you don't put champagne in the freezer? You do now. #NYEfail

10. This crew who could have done this on the couch at home.

11. These girls who tumbled down this escalator — and is that girl in front walking a city street without any shoes?

12. This woman who passed out BEFORE midnight.

13. And this guy who passed out on the sidewalk.

Frazier Baldwin at his finest #NYEfail but still my boy!!!

Dollars to donuts the girls in #11 stepped over his ass, lol.

14. And Mariah. Poor, poor, poor Mariah.

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Yikes. I don't know her.

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