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Show Us Your Most Totally Epic '80s Photo

If you lived through it, you've definitely got one.

If you lived through the '80s, chances are you've got a photo somewhere that reeks of the decade.

Perhaps you have a photo that proves you were the queen of '80s style.

Or maybe one that proves you were the kings of '80s style.

Maybe you have a photo at a familiar place, like McDonald's, in all of it's '80s glory.

Maybe you have proof you knew your way around an Apple IIe.

Was this how you listened to music?

Was your hair big and full of hairspray?

Did you have a Christmas morning that was totally '80s?

Did you have a Wham phase?

Did you attend a legendary '80s event and get a snap of it?

Or maybe you met an '80s star and got a photo together!

Share your most epic '80s photo below, and it might appear in a future BuzzFeed Community post!