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29 "Nope!" Photos That Will Turn Anyone Cool As A Cucumber Into A Jumble Of Nerves

Don't say we didn't warn you.

Hi! How are you? Good to see you!

So, uh, listen...this post is almost 100% guaranteed to make you feel pretty unsettled and think Why did I just look at all those damn photos?!?! So proceed with caution!

OK, you brave souls still with us! Imagine for a moment that...

1. ...you went into your attic, found this, and realized the beast that shed it was probably still in your home:

2. ...you set out on a hike and found this fresh print:

3. ...you got on a bus and it took this route:

4. ...you ate one of these treats and then saw the baker's dirty feet:

5. ...you went to get in your car at the end of a hard work day and found this:

6. ...or you sat down here to eat some cheeses, cured meats, and antipasta without noticing what was happening under the table:

7. ...you went cave exploring and ended up in this tight spot:

8. ...you washed some rubber gloves and then opened the washer to see this:

9. ...you leaned down to get a drink of water and saw this:

10. ...you stopped to pump some gas and reached for the pump without noticing this fella:

11. ...you got lost in a Florida swamp and stumbled around, trying to find your way out, then saw all of these glowing alligator eyes:

12. ...you came outside to call your kid in for lunch and saw they'd built a cicada skin army:

13. ...you were visiting a relative and went to use their shower when:

14. ...or you didn't understand why the shower was draining slowly until you did a little investigating:

15. ...you lifted a beer can you knew you drank that felt full, and looked inside to see:

16. ....you went to take out the trash and discovered this big fella already there:

17. ...you wondered why one of your bathroom lights wasn't as bright as the others, so you looked and:

18. ...your boss asked you to fix an electrical problem and when you went out to do it, you found this:

19. ...you checked into a hotel and found a note telling you not to open the windows or you'd let in High Rise Flying Spiders:

20. ...you went to ring this doorbell without noticing this camouflaged critter:

21. ...you got peer pressured into chilling at the edge of this waterfall:

Nope. from WTF

22. ...you left your car parked somewhere for a few days and came back to discover this:

nope. from WTF

23. ...you went off-roading with someone who took this route without warning you:

24. ...you got stuck inside this abandoned elementary school:

25. ...you were mountain climbing and saw this:

26. ...you dropped your ear bud into the garbage disposal:

27. ...you stepped on this old piece of wood and had a nail puncture your shoe:

28. ...you went swimming here and looked down:

29. ...and finally, imagine you started hiking back down Machu Picchu and saw this view:

You after making it all the way to the end: