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31 People Who Posted Signs That Are Really Hard To Believe Exist

A sign is worth a thousand words.

1. This sexist, anti-mask sign is infuriating in about seven different ways:

2. This anti-mask sign screams, "Ugh, not eating here!"

3. And — before we move on — here's one more anti-mask sign that'll raise your blood pressure:

4. Then there's this sign at a store that has, I guess, quite the spitting problem:

5. And this sign for a supermarket with its own gross spitting issue:

6. Speaking of gross, the men who inspired this sign:

7. And whoever inspired this sign (and maybe turned me off potato salad forever):

8. This sign won't turn me off ice cream (because...ice cream), but it's still unsettling:

9. This sign in a smelly elevator explains why it's smelly:

Here it is, easier to read:

Close-up of previous sign asking delivery people not to urinate in the stairs or hallways

10. This sign outside a would-be Lothario's home is, well, awkward:

11. And this sign posted by a bar (gotta be the bar and not the conference center, right?) deserves all the side-eye it gets:

12. This sign makes me wonder what exactly is going on in this store:

13. This sign is less mysterious — I think we all know what is going on here — but it's still quite a sign: 

14. This sign in an apartment suggests that living there, uh, stinks:

15. While this sign suggests that living with these neighbors is just as bad (if not worse):

Here it is, easier (sort of) to read:

Close-up of sign talking about neighbors who are "irresponsible owners with a nuisance dog" because "they force their neighbors to listen to the barking," with "ASS" written across it in large letters

16. This sign at a dentist's office definitely makes me think someone died there:

17. And this sign makes me think that there must be a LOT of drug dealing going on if they're using their sign for this and not advertising ice cream:

18. This sign will just plain infuriate you:

19. This sign...I'm going to need gamers to explain to me:

20. And this sign makes me think, Who are these people?

21. This sign exists, believe it or not, to specify that a patio is not a bathroom:

22. And then there's this sign in an actual bathroom, but it's every bit as disturbing:

23. This sign takes a stand against soggy money:

24. While this sign objects to boob and sock money, at least seasonally:

25. This sign suggests pancakes might be the food stoners crave the most:

26. And this sign suggests that this gas station gets its share of high people too:

27. This sign took a strong stance on this issue, for some reason:

28. This sign just makes me feel bad for everyone associated with the Woolworths Neutral Bay car park:

29. And this one makes me feel for this building's custodians:

Sign saying "PLEASE for the love of God do not PEE in the TRASHCANS, there are so many bathrooms in this building JUST PICK ONE AND USE IT"

30. This sign makes me want to stop drinking water:

31. And this one...actually, this one is totally understandable:

H/T: r/trashy.