23 People Whose Days Took Really, Really Bad Turns

    Some days are worse than others...way worse.

    1. This high school student who got up at 5 a.m. on a Saturday to take the SAT...then discovered the test had been canceled:

    2. This guy who was invited to dinner with his in-laws...and then immediately asked to assemble a massive dining room table:

    3. This woman who was excited to see her first-ever yearbook photo as a teacher, and well:

    4. This person who returned to their cabin in the winter to discover the water valve hadn't been shut off, so it was flooded AND frozen:

    5. This person who — the morning after a lightning storm — found their mailbox like this:

    6. This person who put a soda in the freezer to chill...and then forgot about it:

    7. This person who ordered some fast food from DoorDash and received this delivery "confirmation":

    8. This guy who bought the wrong-size door...and looked like a dummy in front of his wife:

    9. This kid who had an allergy test and learned he's allergic to, well, everything:

    10. This hungry person who lost not one, not two, but THREE meals in one evening:

    11. This person who spilled 50,000 beads and now has to sort all of them by hand:

    12. This homeowner who sprayed weed killer — instead of fertilizer — all over their once beautiful lawn:

    13. This air traveler who paid extra for a window seat:

    14. This sculptor who dropped her artwork facedown:

    15. And this guy who accidentally washed his fancy leather gloves:

    16. This person who lost two fingers in a work-related accident on the day his new guitar arrived:

    17. This person who dropped their electric toothbrush but never heard it hit the ground:

    18. This mom whose toddler broke her tooth in half:

    19. This guy whose printer exploded all over his face:

    20. This person who prepaid for a year's worth of car washes, then went to get one and found...:

    21. This person who discovered their prized baseball autographed by the 1981 World Series Champion Dodgers had been chewed up by a rat:

    22. This person who tried — and failed — to drive on the beach:

    23. And this person — yikes! — who discovered a water snake living in their toilet: