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32 People Who Made Horrible Mistakes, And Thank Goodness, Because They're Hilarious

They're crying, we're laughing.

1. This dad who stuck a suction cup toy to his head and let his kid pull it off:

2. This person who made weed brownies and seriously miscalculated how much one should eat:

3. This priest who livestreamed a mass without realizing he had the filters on by mistake:

4. This person who ordered a custom mask and, well, things didn't turn out quite as she hoped:

5. This dad who made the mistake of ordering a computer keyboard on Amazon without checking the dimensions:

6. And this dad who made the same mistake, but in the other direction, when ordering a cutting board:

7. Along those same lines — this poor soul who thought he was ordering a normal-sized chair:

8. And this person who tried to order wrapping paper online and had things go in a very unexpected direction:

9. This mechanic who agreed to fix a car and then opened the hood to discover:

10. And this librarian who made the questionable decision to hang this poster here:

11. This coworker who put dry ice in the toilet by mistake, making it look like boil, boil, toil(et) and trouble:

12. This person who made the mistake of texting with a serious case of pregnancy brain:

13. This person who accidentally locked their bike to the bike next to theirs...stranding the other bike owner:

Oops from funny

14. This person who ordered groceries online and ended up with way more bananas than they wanted:

15. And this person who messed up even worse than the banana person and now has enough baking soda to last until the next millennium:

16. This jazz columnist who made a terror-ible mistake:

17. And, while we're discussing jazz, this shirt designer who designed this image and saw no issues:

18. This IRL Griswold who spent hours wiring their home with Christmas lights only to see this:

19. This person who was pleased with the gutter installation, then realized...ooooooh:

20. This person who at least won't suffer from teeth inflammation:

21. And this cake maker who at least used the correct "your":

22. This person who didn't understand why their audiobook was so darn confusing:

23. This driver who waited for years to get a photo of their car at 111,111 miles, and — doh! — ended up with this:

24. This mom who took away her kid's Xbox and set it down on the stove:

25. This parent whose spelling lesson wasn't quite clear enough:

26. This person who made the mistake of installing traditional Japanese sliding doors in a home with cats:

27. This person who tried to take a panoramic photo of their dog and ended up with a nightmare image:

28. This person who went out on a limb and hired a barber off Craigslist:

29. This person who grabbed the soy sauce and not the syrup:

30. This person who tossed some stuff in the wash without giving it a second look:

31. This person who peeled their monitor thinking it had a screen protector on it:

32. And this kitty, who wants to get meow-t of there: