21 Hilarious Tweets About Little Kids Who Turned Mispronouncing Words Into An Art Form

    From the adorable to the suuuuuuuper awkward.

    1. When little kids talk, things can get awkward...fast:

    My son pronounces “dump truck” as “dumb fuck,” which is amazing in a crowd of strangers when he’s pointing and yelling it over and over and…

    2. So awkward, in fact, you might not want to take them into public:

    My friend's toddler daughter pronounces b as d. Recently, she said 'die, die!' to an old man they met in a church as they were leaving.

    3. Or at least to the ice cream shop:

    My daughter pronounces ice cream ... “ass cream”

    4. Or even to send them to school:

    My son pronounces "cookbook" as "cockbook" so I'm a little worried about what he might tell his teachers I collect

    5. This poor mom is like, "How about some water?"

    My toddler pronounces Milk with a f instead of the k so 8 times a day he runs up to me yelling "milf!!" So there's that.

    6. And this dad is like, "Never play him Uptown Funk!"

    My son keeps forgetting to pronounce the "n" in "funky".

    7. In case you're wondering, the awkward mispronunciations happen in other languages too:

    My toddler pronounces "puerta" as "puta". He pretty much calls you a whore until you open the door for him.

    8. Of course, some parents have fun with it:

    My kid pronounces “kitty” as “titty” And I’m gonna let it be so for as long as possible.

    9. Like this dad who is ready for Spring Training:

    My kid pronounces “pitch” like “bitch” and omg baseball season can’t come soon enough.

    10. And this mom who is ready for movie night:

    In case you need cheering up today, please know that my son pronounces Star Wars as Star Horse.

    11. Speaking of Star Wars, little kids have a lot of trouble with it, LOL:

    My son pronounces Chewbacca as "Chewpoppa". I'm okay with this.

    12. Like "Chewpoppa," some mispronunciations are just plain adorable:

    My kid pronounces armpits "arm pips" and its cute as all get out.

    13. Awww:

    My kid pronounces crocodile as "cracker-dile" and it's the cutest thing this century.

    14. This one's pretty cute too:

    Toddler pronounces "Motorcycle" as "Mocha Taco." Not correcting this one yet.

    15. Sometimes these mispronunciations are even better than the actual ones:

    My son pronounces the word society like "so-shitty" and honestly, he's kind of nailed it.

    16. See what I mean?

    My toddler pronounces "saxophone" as "sexophone" and you know what? He isn't wrong.

    17. Yeah, little kids should probably rewrite the dictionary:

    My kid pronounces Netflix as “Neckflix,” which I’m now realizing is a more succinct way of getting at “Netflix and chill”

    18. Basically, kids' way of talking is the best:

    My daughter pronounces “mayonnaise” as “band-aids”. So it’s sorta weird when she asks you for a “band-aids sandwich”.

    19. I mean, would you NOT want this kid to channel 1970s Robin Williams?

    My younger son pronounces “New York” as “Me Ork”! 🤣

    20. Or this kid to drop this legendary mispronunciation?

    My son pronounces it “Baby Shart”

    ♪ "Baby shart, poo poo poo poo poo poo" ♪

    21. Of course not! And if you're lucky, your kid will still be cracking you up well into grade school:

    Oh, your kid won the district-wide spelling bee? My son pronounces the J in jalapeño.

    You keep doing you, kids.