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21 Parents Share Their Funniest Moments Raising Kids

"Sorry I punched you in your vagina, Daddy."

We recently asked the members of BuzzFeed Community to share the funniest things that ever happened to them as a parent:

1. "My toddler was talking to the cashier at the supermarket about her new baby brother — I'd just had a C-section a month earlier — when she decided to say, 'My brother came from my mommy's belly and I came from her vagina!'"

2. "When my 4-year-old daughter sang Miley Cyrus's 'Wrecking Ball' this way: 'You came in like oregano.'"

3. "At a restaurant, my 4-year-old daughter told the waitress that her hair looked beautiful. The waitress got a huge smile on her face and thanked her. As the waitress walked off, my daughter said, 'But not in the back.'"

4. "My very outgoing 3-year-old daughter was having a conversation with a man who was balding. When he left she turned to me, very confused, and said, 'Mom, he's just a head!'"

5. "Kids are very, very literal."

6. "My 3-year-old son punched my husband in the crotch. I told him to go apologize and he said, 'Daddy, I'm sorry I punched you in your vagina.'"

7. "My first-grader was learning about mammals..."

8. "When my 2-year-old discovered my makeup at 3 a.m.:"

9. "The looks I got from the other moms made me laugh even more."

10. "At Christmastime our 3-year-old went into his room and was being uncharacteristically quiet..."

11. "When my 4-year-old said, 'What's a girl's penis called again? China?'"

12. "After learning where babies come from..."

13. "My 3-year-old was saying good night to my husband when she slapped him! He asked her why she did that and she said 'Daddy, I was high-fiving your face.'"

14. "My sister's dog, Baxter, popped my 4-year-old daughter's brand-new ball. My daughter went inside and cried for like two minutes, then came back out and said, 'Baxter is a little dick!'"

15. "What a little drama king."

16. "I was singing a goodnight song to my 3-year-old when he put his hand over my mouth and said, 'All done, Momma!'"

17. "I'd been trying to encourage my 2-year-old to use the toilet by offering him a treat, which led to my 4-year-old asking if he could get a treat for going like his brother..."

18. "I honestly have no clue where she picked that one up."

19. “I’m a Bernie Sanders supporter, and we have one of his signs in our front yard..."

20. "Out of the blue my niece walked into the kitchen, totally naked with a cup over her privates, and said, 'I'm a boy! See my penis?'"

21. "I was in the store with my recently potty-trained 2-year-old when she told me she needed to go potty, so we ran to the bathroom..."

Responses have been edited for length and clarity.

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