Remember Newspapers? Here Are 17 Times They Failed Epically

    All the news that's fit to print...and a bunch of crap that's not.

    1. This headline typo that somehow made this story even grosser.

    2. And this headline by a copy editor who got "firsthand" experience screwing up.

    3. This unfortunate layout...

    4. ...and this one...

    5. And this one.

    6. This stack of newspapers that, uh, got less impressive as the day went on.

    7. This headline that shouted, "Extra! Extra! Read all about the first frog in the majors!"

    8. This headline that was typo free, but unfortunate nonetheless.

    9. This sentence that will make you go, "That's not how that works."

    10. And this headline that will make you go, "Well, that's one sports injury I hadn't heard before!"

    11. This photo that somehow everyone at the paper approved.

    12. And this one that got published without anyone saying, "You know what? Let's go with the OTHER photo of her."

    13. This placeholder headline that became an actual headline.

    14. And this one that was even more embarrassing.

    15. Then there was this headline that only makes sense if you're stoned.

    16. You can file this one under "stoner thoughts" as well.

    17. And lastly, there was this bombshell bit of breaking news!


    An earlier version of this post had a title that said it had 19 items instead of 17. Yes, a post making fun of headline errors in newspapers had a headline error itself. Oy! How’s that for irony? Wait, would that be irony? Forget I said “irony.” I don’t want to make another mortifying mistake. The author is currently eating a large slice of humble pie while drowning in shame and embarrassment. As a means of penance, he will buy a newspaper tomorrow.