Watch This News Reporter Totally Shred On Air Guitar

    And watch this news anchor's sublimely bewildered reaction to the reporter's performance.

    NY1 reporter (hero) Roger Clark was at a Lower East Side bar this morning reporting on... well, not sure. The important part is that he broke into a face-melting air guitar rendition of Rush's "Tom Sawyer."

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    Here is NY1 news anchor Pat Kiernan having his face melted by Clark's air licks.

    Clark's shredding was so face-melting that he almost melted his own face and lost his glasses.

    Clark wasn't just showing off. He was actually reporting, while shredding and melting Pat Kiernan's face.

    @michaelhayes He was reporting on tonight's @USAirGuitar Northeast Semifinals at the Bowery Ballroom. Still hoping he decides to compete.

    Mitt Umlaut


    @michaelhayes He was reporting on tonight's @USAirGuitar Northeast Semifinals at the Bowery Ballroom. Still hoping he decides to compete.