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This Woman Just Dove Over The 400m Finish Line And Won Gold

Shaunae Miller of the Bahamas dove over the finish line to grab first place, beating American Allyson Felix.

Shaunae Miller of the Bahamas just won gold in the 400m women's final by diving over the finish line.

Miller won the race with a time of 49.44 seconds over Allyson Felix of the United States, who had a time of 49.51 seconds.

The dive was passed by officials and Miller placed first in the 400m final.

After the race, Miller told Australia's Channel 7, "I don't know what happened. My legs started to get a little heavy and I was telling myself that I wanted it so bad and I just did whatever it took. Now I'm coming home with a gold medal, so it is such an amazing feeling for me."

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