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19 Times Mr G Was You During Exam Time

"I go crazy sometimes. I just let loose."

1. When your siblings barge into your room unannounced while you're studying.

2. And when they tell your mum that you're not really studying, so you react a little badly.

3. When your timetable comes out and you realise you've got two exams scheduled for the same day.

4. So you seriously consider resorting to drastic measures to get out of the second one.

5. When you ask your mum to get you Macca's while you study and she takes forever to get it.

6. And when your start to realise your pre-exam diet has slowly transformed from copious amounts of food to caffeine only.

7. When the stress ultimately gets to you and you start taking offence to everything.

8. And you start overreacting to anything that happens to you.

9. When you ask your friends to share their notes with you to no avail.

10. So you hastily decide to cut them all from your life... at least for the day.

11. But when they ask you for your notes you're quick to tell them to fuck off and make their own.

12. When you start doing literally anything to procrastinate from studying.

13. When you seriously have to pep-talk yourself to walk into the exam room.

14. When everyone else in the exam is using their rulers, and people start to notice that you're not.

15. When you come out of the exam and people start discussing their answers with you.

16. When you try to speedily get some food in your break between exams.

17. And when you finish your first exam and realise you still have the rest of them to go.

18. When you finally get your results and realise all the stress was worth it.

19. Or when you get them and have to distract your parents from asking what they were.