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    15 Actually Useful Tips For Managing Your Time Better

    This stuff works.

    We recently asked the BuzzFeed Community to share their best tips for time management, while keeping up a side hustle. Here are some of their best answers:

    Please note: Not all submissions are from Community users.

    1. Use Asana, a free organizing app, to break down tasks into smaller steps.

    2. Use the Pomodoro technique and work in 25-minute bursts.

    3. Automate as many of your tasks as possible.

    4. Once you have a working routine started, don't skip days.

    5. Block out time for every task on your to-do list to make sure everything actually gets done.

    6. Take advice from Elizabeth Gilbert's Big Magic, and consider your side hustle as a mistress you always sneak time for.

    7. Use the Do Not Disturb function on your phone when you need to get shit done.

    8. If you can, schedule one hour a day to work on your hobby. It really adds up!

    9. Invest in noise-cancelling headphones to block out all your distractions and make the most of your free time.

    10. Always keep a notebook on you so you can write down ideas and to-dos as they come to mind throughout the day.

    11. Learn to be okay with asking for time-saving help from family and friends.

    12. Instead of multitasking, try focusing on a single task at a time.

    13. Use a time-tracking app to record activities, analyze your productivity history, and get better at prioritizing your day.

    14. Remember to schedule yourself some downtime to relax and refresh your willpower.

    15. And finally, don't underestimate the recharging power of friends who will both support you and give you personal space when you need it.

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