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15 Hipster Food Trends That Need To Die In 2018

So sick of this shit.

Unicorn desserts

Pizza with fruit toppings

Activated charcoal anything

Hand salads

It's called a "hand salad" but let's not focus on that https://t.co/fRTxgR79cY

Stop trying to make salads fun!

Sushi in bread

Spaghetti donuts

Mega cocktails

Fried chicken sandwiches

Novelty serving plates

"Would you like some bread while you wait?" *five minutes later* "I'M FORTY-EIGHT YEARS OLD." (Pic: @megoizzy)

What are the "plates" trying to distract you from? 🤔

Fancy sparkling water

Gold-dusted food

Avocado lattes

Cheetos-dusted food

Rosé-flavored things

Restaurant pop-ups

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