Here's What The "Scream" Cast Looks Like 25 Years After The Movie's Premiere

    Catch up with the OG Woodsboro crew.

    Hold your phones — this year officially marks 25 years since Scream first terrified audiences.

    The cast of Scream

    If you've ever had that bone-chilling feeling when the phone rings or dressed up as Ghostface for Halloween, you know it all started with this classic slasher film.

    Ghostface in Scream

    Curious what the Scream cast is up to more than two decades later? We've got you covered. But one question remains: What's your favorite scary movie?

    To start, Neve Campbell as Sidney:

    Courteney Cox as Gale Weathers

    David Arquette as Deputy Dewey:

    Skeet Ulrich as Billy:

    Matthew Lillard as Stu:

    Drew Barrymore as Casey:

    Rose McGown as Tatum:

    Jamie Kennedy as Randy:

    Who's your favorite Scream character of all time? Let us know in the comments!