Jack Definitely Would Not Have Fit On That Raft In "Titanic"

    There. Wasn't. Any. Space.

    By now, you're probably familiar with the classic filmTitanic starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet.

    Kate Winslet recently weighed in on one of the most contentious points of discussion that arises whenever the subject of Titanic is brought up: Was there enough space for Jack on the makeshift raft?


    Kate says, "He could have actually fitted on that bit of door."

    But could he really have fit, Kate? COULD HE?!

    Let's revisit the film.

    Admittedly, Rose was the worst, but I'd like to go on the record and say that maybe there wasn't enough room on the plank of wood for Mr. Dawson.

    Initially, Jack and Rose attempted lie down on the raft so that they could both live and let their love endure.

    But the thing almost capsized. It just wouldn't have worked.

    Could they maybe have taken turns resting on the plank? Sure.

    You've also gotta think about Jack's height.

    I mean, who knows his exact measurements? What is obvious, though, is that he is definitely taller than Rose — another reason he couldn't have fit on the raft.

    Look at this ~aerial~ shot! Could Jack's towering frame have fit? Nope.

    Years ago the guys from MythBusters put James Cameron's logic to the test to see if two people could float on a feeble raft without it capsizing.

    And they proved it was possible that Jack could've fit on the raft — but only if there were life jackets added to it for extra buoyancy.

    But Jack and Rose only had one life vest between them and Rose was wearing it.

    Jack Dawson was thwarted by a makeshift raft, but at least we still get mini Leo and Kate reunions from time to time...

    ...and the heart will continue to go on...

    ...but c'mon, Kate, there was no space for him. Nice try, though.