Jimmy Kimmel Trolled People Who Didn't Know Anything About Supreme Court Justices

    Tyrion Lannister would be a great addition to Washington, tbh.

    Jimmy Kimmel had some fun with people on the street, asking them questions about Supreme Court Justices for his faux news show, Lie Witness News. Easy enough, right?

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    The catch was that most of the people mentioned would probably never set foot on the highly esteemed Supreme Court.

    For example, this woman was asked about how she thought Whitey Bulger would fare as a court justice.

    Thing is, he's a convicted murderer. Whoops.

    Kimmel's next unsuspecting target was this woman, who thought L. Ron Hubbard would be a good fit on the Supreme Court.

    Which could be true if he weren't dead. And maybe if he weren't the founder of the Church of Scientology.

    Finally, Kimmel circled back to the first woman, who clearly doesn't watch any shows on HBO.

    Because Tyrion Lannister is a character on Game of Thrones.

    Oh, America, why are you like this?

    In case you were wondering, President Obama recently nominated someone for the the U.S. Supreme Court, and his name is Merrick Garland.