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A Shocking Number Of People Still Don't Understand Sexual Emojis

It means eggplant or...a squash?

Last night, Jimmy Kimmel took to the streets to grill people about a matter of extreme importance: emojis!

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Emojis mean different things to different people, so he decided to show a few of the most popular ones to folks. Of course, their responses were gold.

There was this woman who knew the taco, like many emojis, has a double meaning.

And there was this guy who was low-key bashful about the subject of eggplants.

The same went for this gentleman, as well.

But this guy wasted no time firing off his answers.


Someone's clearly an emoji sexpert.

Unfortunately, not everyone was good at guessing what certain emojis stood for.

But those people were few and far between.

Some things are just super intuitive, ya know?



In all, the funniest response, hands down, was from this charming woman.


Same, girl.

Get ya minds out of the gutter, people. 🌾🐫🌾💦