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17 Outrageosly Funny "Cards Against Humanity" Combinations

Prepare to cackle.

1. Butts are always an essential tool for fighting.

2. And, like most of the world, Obama loves when news of Mrs. Swift hits the headlines.

3. Like...same, honestly.

4. An acceptable excuse, right?

5. As you do.

6. Accurate. Especially if you're white and male.

7. And speaking of white people...

8. Would read this.

9. The winner of the next National Book Critics Circle Award perhaps?

10. Isn't this just The Surreal Life?

11. *cringes*

12. Nickelback shade is still alive and well.

13. :'(

14. Blessed.

15. The television event of the century, tbh.

16. 😭😭😭

17. And finally, because it's the season for Santa:

This post was inspired by Snapchat user Veerakatariinax. BuzzFeed <3's you!