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    Things No One Tells You When You Move Out For The First Time

    The cereal for dinner struggle is real.

    1. Your half ass renting dream turns into a reality...OVERNIGHT

    2. It may say only $500 deposit, but they lie.

    3. Besides your bed, you don't have much else to bring with you

    4. ...Which by the's expensive AS FUCK :(

    5. Coffee Tables cost HOW MUCH?

    6. You can't ask "What's for dinner?" anymore

    7. You have more condiments in your fridge than real food

    8. Your neighbors are assholes.

    9. You will learn to push the expiration date on items in your fridge

    10. Rent.

    11. Taking a shower alone is now scary

    12. You suddenly care if things are clean

    13. Dishes are now a relationship battle

    14. It's the best thing ever.