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People On Reddit Are Obsessed With This Peanut Butter Bread Recipe From The 1930s

You don't need yeast and it's basically impossible to mess up.

By now, we're several weeks into quarantine and social distancing — and that includes a lot of cooking at home.

On the baking side, bread recipes are all over, especially sourdough and banana.

But a quick scroll through Reddit shows there's a THIRD bread everyone seems to be making right now...


Now, a few cool things about this bread...

1) It’s a Great Depression–era recipe from a cookbook published in 1932.

2) You only need a few things to make it.

3) It's legitimately EASY. (Unlike, say, sourdough.)

It's ready in about an hour and the recipe is flexible. Either keep it simple with the original peanut butter batter — or add extras if you want. (Like chocolate chips, or other ideas below.)

With that in mind, I wanted to try it! I gathered everything — and tossed the dry ingredients into a bowl:

Then mixed in the wet ones:

Then combined everything and scooped it into a pan:

After an hour in the oven: BREAD WAS HAD.

And TBH? It was good 😋!! The peanut butter flavor was subtle, which surprised me at first — bc as it bakes, the PB scent is strong. (Note: Your kitchen will smell amazing.)

Reddit has several variations on the original recipe, too.

Lots of people added chocolate chips to the batter:

Or chocolate chips *and* butterscotch chips:

One person made two loaves — one with PB, and one with Nutella:

If you want to make PB bread, find the recipe on Reddit here — and info on variations here. (And for more vintage inspiration, check out /r/OldRecipes.)