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20 Useful Kitchen Gadgets Under $20

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We recently asked the BuzzFeed Community to share the $20-and-under kitchen gadgets that they can't live without. Here's what they said.

1. Collapsible Measuring Cups

2. Silicone Spatulas

Look for one that’s built as one solid piece. A lot of spatulas are two pieces (a silicone head on a wooden handle) and stuff gets trapped in the gap.” —RCIAG

More info: Set of three, $13 here.

3. Slow Cooker Liners

"These just make life easier, and I'm at a point in my life where I'll pay a small amount to prevent 30 minutes of scrubbing." —Amber Freeman, Facebook

More info: $6.99 here.

4. Pasta Pot with Built-In Strainer Lid

"Perfect for draining pastas efficiently without dirtying up another dish." —Stephanie

More info: $19.99 here.

5. Garlic Crusher

"Legitimately a godsend for when you don’t want to deal with mincing garlic by hand but you’re past the jarred stuff." —Lindsay Rose

More info: $15 here.

6. Spill-Proof Ice Cube Tray

"The removable silicone cover prevents leakage and lets you store it on its side. It's the perfect space-saver because our freezer is always full and there's never enough flat space to put a regular tray." —iloxymorons

More info: $9.95 here.

7. Glass Pyrex Bowls

8. Swing-A-Way Leveraged Jar Opener

9. Milk Frother

"Mine is from Ikea and it's super versatile. You can make frothed milk or whipped cream for homemade lattes, or use it to easily mix sugar and powders into drinks. No more big hot cocoa lumps!" —Dominika Oliver, Facebook

More info: $2.79 here.

10. 3-in-1 Avocado Slicer

"This thing has changed my avocado life. It easily cuts through the skin, pits the avocado, and slices it. My fiancé's mom got it for me after watching me use a knife in what she says was 'an unsafe way' to get the seed out. Anyway, it's amazing." —Kayla Murphy, Facebook

More info: $9.99 here.

11. Bendable Cutting Boards

"Just cut everything up, fold it in half, and add everything directly to a pot or bowl." —m4e3ef324d

More here: Pack of two, $1.99 here.

12. Instant Thermometer

13. Microplane Zester & Grater

"I thought microplanes were kind of a frivolous 'one-use' item — until I caved and bought one. It’s awesome! You can use it on everything from perfect citrus zest, to fresh garlic or nutmeg, to finely grated Parmesan." —mangofox

More info: $14.95 here.

14. Can Strainer

"Snap it over a can and turn it upside down to quickly get all the excess liquid out. Flip it over and it's the perfect size for straining a can of tuna too." —Brittany Cabello, Facebook

More info: $5.97 here.

15. Bench Scraper

"This is the most useful thing in my kitchen. I use it on everything from scooping things off the cutting board and into a pot to sectioning off pastry for baking." –Jenna Ballinger, Facebook

More info: $10 here.

16. Pineapple Corer

"It’s the coolest thing to use to cut up such a difficult-but-delicious fruit. Plus, once you pull out all the fruit, you can use the outside as a cup for awesome tropical drinks and feel like you’re on vacation." —Katie

More info: $12 here.

17. Egg Slicer

"You can slice just about anything, like mushrooms for omelets, or strawberries for strawberry shortcake. Super handy." —mgraczyk

More info: $9.99 here.

18. Julienne Peeler

19. Mandoline

"I have near nonexistent knife skills, and this cuts prep time in half. It slices through everything from apples to potatoes to zucchini with ease and I use it pretty much every day now, mostly because it’s fun and oddly satisfying." —Kristen G.

More info: $14.99 here.

20. Silicone Baking Mats

"Nonstick baking mats are fantastic, and you can use them in place of foil or parchment. They don't need to be greased, they last a long time, they're flexible, and they make cleaning a breeze. Great for baking, roasting, candy-making, and more." —mrsh810

More info: Set of two, $14 here.

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