We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    19 Hair Products That Worked So Well Reviewers Say Other People Noticed

    Nothing is as validating as a stranger stopping you to ask what product you're using.

    1. A curling headband so you can enjoy a few more blessed minutes of sleep (maybe even hours!) instead of waking up at the crack of dawn so you can curl your entire head of hair before work. Wear this while you sleep and in the morning you should have perfect heat-free curls!

    reviewer wearing their hair up in the headband
    reviewer after taking off the headband and their hair is now curled

    Promising review: "The first time I used this, my hair was probably 95% dry. It turned out terrible when I woke up in the morning, and I had to redo it before going to work. I tried a few days later, with 50% dry hair and leave in conditioner and it worked so much better!! I've been using it almost every night now with the same results. My husband (who never notices anything!) even said it looked really nice. I have unruly naturally curly hair, so this works perfectly for getting my curls to behave and look smooth. Curls need a few minutes to 'relax' in the morning, then I'm ready to go!!" —Barbara Barela

    Get it from Amazon for $27.99 (available in black or pink colors).

    2. A collagen-coating hair treatment because your dry, damaged, and overprocessed strands could use a little TLC. This reparative five-minute hair mask will revive your mane and leave it soft, silky, and smooth.

    reviewer before and after using the hair mask and you can see that their hair looks softer and more hydrated after using the mask
    reviewer with 4c hair holding a section of their hair showing how strong and hydrated their strands look

    Promising review: "I have fine, thin, and oily damaged hair, and this product has done amazing things for my hair. I use this after shampooing and using a bond repair concentrate. I leave this in for five minutes, rinse, and my hair is completely transformed. It is smooth, so soft, and my hair isn’t breaking off anymore. Even my stylist noticed a difference. I highly recommend this mask!" —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $6.68.

    Read our Elizavecca CER-100 Collagen Coating Hair Protein Treatment review to learn more about why my colleague calls it "the miracle product I've been searching for."

    3. Or K18, a leave-in reparative treatment for anyone who's put their hair through the wringer. It's fan-flipping-tastic at restoring moisture and softness in your strands if you frequently bleach or chemically treat your hair, or if you use heat-styling tools often.

    a buzzfeed editor with soft blonde hair
    a bottle of k18 repair hair mask
    Melanie Aman / BuzzFeed, Sephora

    I bleach my dark brown-black Asian hair blonde every six to eight weeks, so I was immediately intrigued when I first heard some stylists at my salon raving about K18. And it turns out the rest of the world loves it too, because it was sold out at Sephora the first time I tried to buy it. I eventually snagged a mini bottle on Amazon and was gobsmacked at how much softer my hair was. Seriously. I spent the whole day touching my hair, and even my boyfriend agreed that my mane was noticeably silkier. 

    Olaplex was my go-to before I tried K18 and I still stand by it as a product, but I really love that K18 is a leave-in treatment rather than an in-shower mask. Having to let the Olaplex sit for 10 minutes felt like forever, especially when I wasn't taking an everything shower (you know, the ones where you exfoliate and shave). With K18, you let it sit in your hair for four minutes post shower to activate and then you can style your hair (or just let it air dry like I do). 

    I've found that my hair is softest the next day, so don't be discouraged if your hair looks or feels the same the day you use it. One last thing: it is pretty pricey but a little goes a long way. The 50 mL tube lasts a few months, and eventually K18 can become a maintenance product so you won't need to use it every time you wash your hair.

    Get it from Amazon and Sephora for $29+ (available in two sizes).

    4. An anti-humidity spray if you want to give humidity a metaphorical middle finger. This spray creates a waterproof coat around your hair that blocks out moisture (that eventually leads to frizziness). As if that wasn't already magical enough, this effect lasts up to 72 hours or through two to three shampoos!

    reviewer with shiny-looking frizz-free hair
    another reviewer with soft-looking frizz-free hair

    Promising review: "I’ve used this once and never want to be without it. I live in a high-humidity area, and my hair is naturally curly, so it doesn’t take much exposure to rainy weather to frizz. I’ve tried so many products that don’t work, and I was very skeptical about this one. IT WORKS! Plus, my hair is glossy and much easier to manage. Friends noticed the difference immediately." —jackieshack

    Get it from Amazon for $12+ (available in two sizes).

    5. A curl-activating cream so your curls stay curls instead of turning into a ball of frizz the moment you step outside of the house. It enhances your natural curl pattern while reducing frizz — a win-win! It's also designed to add volume, bounce, and shine for days so your day one ringlets look just as good on day three. And that's a win-win-win!

    Reviewer with loose curls after using the cream
    Reviewer with tight curls showing the product adds shine

    Promising review: "If you put too much your hair feels like [it has] gel left in. It work even better paired with a leave-in conditioner. Curls looked 10 times better the first use and my family noticed it too." —jazzy8762

    Get it from Amazon for $6.37.

    6. A coil-sculpting custard that'll not only help your kinks and curls hold their shape, but also inject your strands with some serious hydration.

    reviewer comparing their curls with and without the custard, and the custard clearly helps define their ringlets
    reviewer with 4c hair showing their natural twists

    Promising review: "I must admit I was doubtful when purchasing this product. I have natural hair that I cut short and which tends to feel dry by end of day. I have tried a lot of products — this one is a keeper. My hair stays moist and keeps the style. I am receiving a lot of compliments from men and women who tell me they like my hair and ask what product I’m using. Finally happy!" —Disappointed

    Get it from Amazon for $9.78.

    7. A Revlon hot air brush to help you go from wet, tangled, frizzy hair to a shiny, salon-worthy blowout in minutes. FYI this is the hot air brush that all the influencers you follow on IG are raving about because it is just 👏 that 👏 good 👏.

    The brush has special vents that allow air to flow so hair dries faster. Plus, it's quicker than using a dryer and then a flat iron or curling iron, which equals less heat damage.

    Promising review: "I air dry my hair while putting on my makeup, and then I use this gem. I no longer need to flat iron my hair. I wash my hair every few days, and this tool keeps it ridiculously soft. So soft that my hairdresser of 8+ years noticed a difference. I am hooked!!" —Jennifer Brenner

    Get it from Amazon for $37.97+ (available in seven styles). If you've tried barrel-shaped hot air brushes before without success and have tighter curls or coils, you may want to try the paddle brush version, which reviewers with 3a–4c hair swear by.

    8. A Kenra blow-dry spray so your hair is protected from heat damage and breakage *and* it dries 50% faster. The result = smooth, soft, frizz-free hair.

    reviewer with a soft and shiny blowout
    another reviewer's sleek-looking blowout

    Promising review: "I am very, very impressed with the performance of this product! It reduced my drying/styling time from 12 minutes to 6 minutes! It actually saved even more time if you count the fact that I did not need to follow with a straightener after drying with a hairdryer and round brush because it was already straight and silky smooth. My hair was significantly less frizzy, shinier, and so soft after using this product. Also, it smells amazing (in my opinion). It seems like magic in a bottle! Even my husband noticed the difference immediately. I will certainly be buying this product again and again! THANK YOU, Kenra, for an amazing product! For reference, my hair is fine with some body. A little wavy when dried naturally and tends to frizz." —Lkdav

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99.

    9. A Mielle rosemary mint scalp oil because TikTok is absolutely obsessed with this so you better grab it before it sells out. This biotin-infused hair-strengthening oil helps smooth split ends, moisturize dry scalps, and deeply nourish 3a–4c hair.

    another reviewer showing their shoulder-length hair in june, then again in september, and then again in january
    reviewer with thin eyebrows that look thicker and darker after using the scalp oil for a few weeks

    Promising review: "IT WORKS! Seriously, it works. I have had a lot of compliments on my hair. My hair at baseline usually has a dry, rough texture. After one use of this product, my hair has never felt so soft and silky. Also, the hair growth is impressive. It wasn’t super noticeable to me, but I’ve been told by plenty of people how much my hair has grown in a short period of time. I love the smell of the product, too! Usually, I apply it to my scalp at night and comb it throughout my hair to coat all my strands. In the morning, I’ll wash my hair with my normal routine, and immediately after blow drying/styling, you can see and feel the difference! Even my hairstylist has asked me what I have been doing differently! Highly recommend!" —Morgan Ashley

    Get it from Amazon for $8.93.

    10. A shampoo scalp massager for all the ~tingly~ feels in the shower. It will simultaneously break down buildup (goodbye leftover hairspray and dry shampoo) that's making your hair oily and difficult to style.

    BuzzFeed editor holding pink scalp massager with silicone bristles
    reviewer with an irritated scalp and after pic with the redness gone
    Emma Lord / BuzzFeed, www.amazon.com

    BuzzFeed writer Emma Lord loves hers: 

    "I started using one of these a few months ago and WOWZA, it really helps you get extra mileage out of your shampoo. I have a whole lot of hair on my head so sometimes it's a struggle to feel like I've soaped up my whole scalp thorough, but this was a very effective way to spread out the suds and really get them to the roots. I was worried it might tangle in my hair, but it was totally fine on that front, too. I've noticed that my hair has been a little less greasy at the roots since I started using it. And I'm echoing a ton of reviewers here when I say it just feels reeeeeally, really nice."

    Promising review: "I have very thick curly hair and am prone to a dry, itchy scalp. Using this product when I shampoo (typically about twice a week) has helped so much with cleaning out buildup, decreasing how quickly my hair and scalp gets oily, and massaging my scalp and making it feel a lot healthier. My hairdresser said that my scalp even looked a lot better, and I had less flakiness. My boyfriend loves it, too, and has noticed a difference in how clean his hair feels after using it! We want to get another to help bathe our new puppy." —Bailey

    Get it from Amazon for $6.98+ (available in three colors).

    11. A moisturizing hair treatment if you want a quick burst of hydration. In just eight seconds — eight! — it starts working to leave your mane feeling silkier, softer, and smoother after washing.

    Reviewer with natural hair that looks voluminous, healthy, and shiny
    reviewer with straight hair that looks soft and shiny after using the wonder water

    Promising review: "I have the dullest, driest hair normally, but this product has been a game-changer! My KIDS even commented on how shiny it is. Kids usually don’t notice that kind of stuff! My husband keeps telling me how healthy it looks. I swear by this product and will continue to buy!" —Ashley

    Get it from Amazon for $9.59.

    12. A splurge-worthy hair and body mist with notes of vanilla, salted caramel, and pistachio that'll make you smell like you just walked off a sunny beach in Brazil.

    Promising review: "My favorite scent. I get so many compliments on it. Random people, including men, stop me to ask what I am wearing." —Jaimee Stern

    Get it from Amazon for $24 (available in five scents).

    13. An Olaplex No. 8 hair mask so you can emerge from the shower with strands that feel strong, shiny, and smooth. 

    Reviewer before using hair mask
    Reviewer after using hair mask

    Promising review: "I use every Olaplex product out there and have since numbers 1–3 came out, but this is a game changer!!! I love it. I love how my hair looks and feels afterwards. My hair feels soft and strong. Even my boyfriend noticed a major difference in the frizziness and shine of my hair. I will take this with me to the grave so I can hopefully use it in my next life! 😉" —C. Batycki

    Get it from Amazon for $29.99.

    14. A color-depositing conditioner so you can skip the hassle and mess of at-home box dyes or the hefty price tag of a salon visit. Each time you wash your hair using this conditioner, the color will become more vibrant.

    Reviewer showing off their red dyed natural hair
    reviewer with medium brown hair
    the same reviewer with ginger hair

    Promising review: "This stuff definitely works on my hair, which is naturally dark blonde. I usually highlight it but it's been about a year since I had some. With each wash, my hair gets pinker and people definitely notice and compliment it." —Jessica B

    Get it from Amazon for $22+ (available in 19 colors).

    15. A Chi automatic curling iron because you deserve perfect curls in mere minutes. Insert your hair into the chamber and the curler will automatically wrap your strands around the heated rod. A beep will alert you when the curl has set. The best part: The barrel protects your fingers from getting burned.

    Before photo of reviewer with straight hair
    Same reviewer with their hair inside the curler
    After photo showing the same reviewer with perfectly curled hair

    Promising review: "My wife loves to curl her hair but always complains about it and how timely the process takes. I guess that's the price of beauty...? So naturally, this curling thing was a home run with her! She is always curling her hair now, and I never hear her complain in the bathroom. She has mentioned to me about how easy, quick, and convenient this curler is to use. I've personally noticed she curls her hair in a quarter of the time she used to and there's no complaints. She hasn't burnt her fingers and doesn't have to wear a Michael Jackson–looking glove to curl her hair either. It wraps up your hair automatically and beeps when it is all done. There's different temp settings and many features on it, much more than a curling iron would ever need. Haha. But it's great and my wife loves it. That's what matters." —Chelle

    Get it from Amazon for $63.09+ (available in five colors).

    16. A bottle of Fanola purple shampoo for stripping the brassiness from your hair so your silvery blonde dye job looks as good as it did when you stepped out of the salon.

    Reviewer before and after showing the shampoo took their hair from orange and brassy to cool and light blonde
    Another reviewer's progression photos showing the shampoo removed the yellow brassiness from their blonde hair

    Promising review: "I have tried so many different purple shampoos, and I've had a lot of issues with them. (Turning my hair a weird purpley-gray, smells bad, doesn't work, etc.) The first time I used this shampoo it looked like I had just toned my hair a beautiful ash blonde! Made my hair super soft, too. My husband even noticed! I love this shampoo. I just bought another for my mom!" —Peyton O.

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99+ (available in three colors).


    hands holding two bottles of the product
    buzzfeed editor with blown out hair using the product
    Mane Club NYC, Elizabeth Lilly / BuzzFeed

    My coworker Elizabeth Lilly (above) swears by this spray. In her own words:

    "I have a very thick head of naturally curly hair and have put it through just about everything, including all kinds of hot tools, at-home dye kits, the gamut of shampoo and conditioner types, basically every dry shampoo and hair oil in existence, and just about anything else to try for a story for you dear readers. Lots of products have either straight-up failed, been meh enough for me to not recommend, or fantastic but so costly that I feel guilty recommending them. Basically, a lot of stuff ends up in the trash or pawned off on my (grateful) friends when it isn't a fit for me. But THIS STUFF. This stuff has become my go-to for spraying on my wet hair and then blow drying. Normally I'd apply a heat protector and an oil treatment or leave-in conditioner before blow drying. But this 10-in-1 treatment takes the cake! Most of the time when I use it, I don't even need to finish off my hair with hair oil (I've been doing that as an essential hair step for years now). It's really that good! Here, I have freshly blow dried hair with just this post-shower using this Amika blow dryer brush. This brush is fantastic on its own but this spray-on treatment has more or less doubled this brush's effectiveness. My hair comes out feeling softer, looking shinier and healthier, and stays looking good for days — which is especially great news because I wash my hair about every four days. 'Tis time for me to unload a bunch of hair products I now no longer need to my friends."

    Promising review: "I have thick, semi-curly wavy hair. I absolutely love this leave-in conditioner. My hair is instantly smoother and soft and I always get compliments on the smell! Keep up the amazing work MANE CLUB! All of the products I have tried I have loved and keep coming back for more! And most importantly, you can’t beat that price!" —KK

    Get it from Amazon and Mane Club for $10.

    18. A detangling brush with flexible bristles that'll separate knots without pulling and breaking your strands.

    Happy reviewer who used the brush to detangle their 3c-4a hair
    Reviewer with knotted hair
    The same reviewer with detangled hair after using the brush

    Promising review: "I seriously can't stop running my fingers through my hair. After having short hair for about 10 years, I've recently grown it out, and although I get several compliments on it, I was wondering if it was worth it...the tangles, dreadlocks forming, breakage, and hair loss! I received this brush this morning and immediately used it. Instantly, it not only detangled my hair but also left it smooth, soft, and un-frizzy. My husband even noticed a difference and used the word, beautiful to describe it. I was also amazed by the lack of hair loss in the brush. If my hair could talk, it would say, 'You've changed my life.'" —Sara L.

    Get it from Amazon for $11.99 (available in various colors).

    19. A hair repair serum with hydrating argan oil, aloe vera, and vitamin E so you can literally just brush your mane in the morning and you're good to go. Hello, frizz-free hair!

    Promising review: "I use this product every time I was my hair, which is every other day. I put my hair up in a towel after I get out of the shower, and after about 10–15 minutes I take it out and put on the serum. My hair is VERY thick and shoulder length so I use two pumps and run it through my hair. This has made my hair ridiculously shiny. I have random people stopping me to ask me how my hair is so shiny. This has eliminated about 80% of my frizz which is a small miracle in itself. This hasn’t really made my hair any softer to the touch, but people have said that it looks soft. To be fair I do use an anti-dandruff shampoo so that makes my hair a bit rough. Overall this product is amazing and I recommend it to everyone." —Alyssa

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99.

    Your coworkers realizing there's something different about your hair: