The 21 Types Of People Who Do NaNoWriMo

    Ah, National Novel Writing Month. You never cease to amaze me.

    National Novel Writing Month, otherwise known as NaNoWriMo, is a huge event where writers all around the globe gather with a common goal: to write an entire book in the month of November. Yeah, you heard that right. 30 days. 50k words. To participate, you gotta be a little crazy. But those crazies can be sorted into categories. You've got...

    1. The newbie

    2. The seasoned author

    3. The people writing thinly disguised fan fiction

    4. The guy who has written 120,000 words…on Day 3.

    5. The guy who has written five words…on Day 30

    6. The procrastinator

    7. The person who writes way better than you

    8. And the person who can't write at all

    9. The writer who has to PLAN OUT EVERY TINY DETAIL IN THIER PLOT

    10. And the writer who never plans anything

    11. That author with an AWESOME COVER.

    12. The guy whose book is "so original"

    13. The guy who *thinks* he has it all together

    14. The Desperados

    15. The writer who can't control their characters

    16. The writer that KILLS all their characters

    17. The writer with a million questions

    18. The poor soul that didn't save :(

    19. The student in the Young Writer's Progam who is kicking your ass.

    20. The one that never, ever, EVER sleeps

    21. And you :)