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    "My Neighbors Really Appreciated It When We Told Them": 20 Unspoken Rules Of Neighborhood Etiquette That Will Make Your Neighbors Adore You

    "For the love of all that is holy, if a space is wide enough to fit two cars, don’t park smack dab in the middle."

    Recently, we asked homeowners in the BuzzFeed Community to share their rules for being a good neighbor, and oh boy, did they have a lot to say. Here are some of their neighborhood etiquette tips:

    1. I can't believe we have to say this, but don't steal your neighbors' packages or mail.

    thief running away with packages

    2. If you're in a street-parking situation, make sure to park so that there's room for others, too.

    "We all know if you live in a rowhome/townhome, sometimes there is no 'assigned' spot. But for the love of all that is holy, if a space is wide enough to fit two cars, don’t park smack dab in the middle."


    3. Wanna throw a party? Give your neighbors a heads up, and try to keep it down when it gets late.

    people having a backyard party

    4. Next up in rules I hope nobody needs to hear, pick up your dang dog poop, and put it in the trash.

    "Don't let your pets poop in someone else's yard. If your dog goes during your neighborhood walk, pick it up. No one wants to step in a poop."


    "It is FINE to throw your dog’s bagged up poo in a garbage can that is out for the pickup. It is NOT ok to bag the poo, wait until no one is looking, and toss it in a bush."


    5. It can be a good idea to get to know your neighbors a little bit.

    neighbors leaning on the fence having a chat

    6. But don't take it personally if neighbors don't feel like chatting. Some people just really like their space.

    "Controversial, but it shouldn’t be rude to not want to talk to or get to know a neighbor. I’m extremely introverted and get drained, and I just wanna get home and talk to NO ONE. I also am extremely private and enjoy my home life that way."


    7. Looking out for your neighbors is great, but maybe draw the line at coming into their house when they aren't home so you can close their windows.

    nosy neighbor looking through the blinds

    8. When you have guests over, make sure they know where they can park and don't take someone else's spot.

    "When you live somewhere with assigned parking spots, tell your guests where they can park and make sure they don't park in your neighbors' spots."


    9. Uh, don't be like this person's neighbors.

    birds attacking a bird feeder

    10. And please don't do anything that this person's neighbor does.

    "My neighbor is awful. Her kid screams for several hours a day, and she screams back at her with added swearing. She's also spray painted her flat number on the disabled parking spot by my door (she's able-bodied, I use a wheelchair), and two weeks ago, she left her moldy, threadbare gigantic old sofa outside and moved her bins right outside my bedroom window. I can barely get my wheelchair by her garbage. I'm too nervous to confront her about any of it because I don't like being screamed at."


    11. Be mindful of how loud your vehicle is. Street noise can get pretty annoying pretty quickly.

    person on a motorcycle

    12. And the same goes for barking dogs.

    "If you have a yapping barking dog, don’t be shocked when your neighbors hate you. If you have two of them, for the love of everything, either shut them up or don’t have them at all."


    13. Find out if your neighbors would like a little bit of warning before you mow the lawn or fire up the grill.

    man grilling in his backyard with lots of smoke

    14. Cats are beautiful and majestic creatures, but they can wreak havoc on local birds and other wildlife, so keep 'em inside.

    "Stop letting your cats roam free, especially if they aren't spayed or neutered. Buy/build a catio if you insist on letting your cats out. Also, get your cats fixed regardless, and stop contributing to the growing feral cat problem."


    15. When it comes to yard maintenance, try to read the room, and don't be the house with the worst yard on the block.

    woman starting up her lawnmower

    16. Don't have a massive bonfire on a hot day (and if you're in Fire Country, California like me, maybe play it safe and don't have bonfires, period).

    "Save your stuff for one bonfire rather than burning it several times a week. Let us know before you start a bonfire, so we can get our clean washing off the line and close the windows. Don't have a massive bonfire on a hot day."


    17. Again, this seems obvious, but don't peek over your neighbor's privacy fence. It's called a privacy fence for a reason.

    nosy neighbor looking over the fence

    18. Don't do dangerous stuff, like setting off fireworks. Someone could get hurt, and you could also damage a neighbor's property.

    "Do NOT set off fireworks in your backyard! Fourth of July or not, DON’T DO IT. You could very easily hurt yourself or others and cause property damage. My neighbor set some off in his backyard, and they went off over OUR house, so sparks and debris came down on our roof and yard.

    "Another neighbor set some off in the parking lot and caught the asphalt on fire because they didn’t know what they were doing. They nearly couldn’t put it out. 

    "There’s a reason there are rules and laws against it — it’s dangerous. If you want to see fireworks, go to the local firework show that every town has. Don’t put yourself and your neighbors in danger just because you want to see some pretty lights and think it’s as simple as lighting a match."


    19. Unless you would like a reputation as the neighborhood witch/Boo Radley/Chitty Chitty Bang Bang villain, accept that your neighbor's kids are, well, kids, and be cool with them making some noise (within reason, of course).

    kids playing in a backyard

    20. And finally, being a great neighbor is all about balance.

    "Find the balance between minding your own business and looking out for your neighbor. Neighbors dog got out? Make some noise, and get that puppy home! Christmas lights still up in March? Shhhhh."


    What do you think about these neighborhood rules? Are there any you would add? Sound off in the comments.