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If You've Worked For An Erratic And Unpredictable Boss Like Elon Musk, Tell Us What Happened

If you've ever worked for a chaotic and unpredictable boss, tell us what it was like.

Ever since Elon Musk took over Twitter at the end of October, the company has been in a state of turmoil and users have been predicting the social media site's demise. From paid account verification leading to widespread impersonation issues to thousands of people losing their jobs, the company has been in the news a lot, with many headlines focused on Musk's own unpredictable behavior.

twitter logos encircling Elon Musk's head

Just off the top of my head, there were the employees let go "by mistake" in rounds of layoffs who were then reportedly asked to return, the messy and short-lived double verification idea, the "extremely hardcore" pledge employees were asked to make to remain at Twitter 2.0, and the engineer Musk appears to have fired via tweet for disagreeing with him.

Elon Musk walking into twitter hq carrying a sink

Musk has also made controversial decisions, like reinstating Twitter accounts for users like Kanye West, Andrew Tate, and former president Donald Trump. The chaos has led major advertisers to pull out of the platform and CBS News has paused posting its content to Twitter.

Elon Musk

And Musk has been tweeting through it all, sometimes with the energy of a substitute teacher who's lost control of the class:

Going forward, any Twitter handles engaging in impersonation without clearly specifying “parody” will be permanently suspended

Twitter: @elonmusk

And at other times, his tweets are more, um, whatever this is:

And lead us not into temptation …

Twitter: @elonmusk

So if watching the news out of Twitter reminds you of a chaotic and unpredictable boss you've worked under, we want to hear from you.

elon wearing an occupy mars tee shirt

Tell us in the comments below or via this anonymous form what your boss did that reminds you of Elon Musk, how your team reacted, and how it all ended and you could be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post.